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(5 Jul 04) RCARO made a briefing on RCA activities to the participants in a training workshop of ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Insti...
(25 Jun 04) The 11th RCARO Steering Committee meeting was held in Daejeon, this time at KINS, on 25 June 2004. The Committee's function is to give advice and...
(24 Jun 04) Mr Kim, Jin-Kyoung, Director, RCARO met with Dr In-Soon Chang, President of KAERI on 24 June 2004 and discussed on future cooperation between RCA...
(23 Jun 04) Mr Kim, Jin-Kyoung, Director, RCARO visited the Economic Cooperation Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) on 23 June ...
(10 Jun 04) Dr. Md Nordin Razlely, former Section Head of East Asia and the Pacific Section (TCPAS) of the Department of Technical Co-operation, IAEA, who i...
(24 May 04) Two invited staff from RCA Member States began their assignments at RCARO from 23 May 2004. They are Ms Ros Intan Purbasari from BATAN, Indone...