Project Title:
Electron Beam Applications for Value Addition to Food and Industrial Products and Degradation of Environmental Pollutants in the Asia Pacific region (Phase 2)
The objective of this project is to improve the quality of environment and living conditions of the Asia-Pacific region through facilitation of the application of electron beam technologies. It is to ensure the food security as well as to improve the quality of industrial products through the diffusion of knowledge and practical experiences on application of electron beam technology. Most importantly, this project aims to scale up results of the Phase 1 project (2013-2015) in-depth and horizontally by expanding the developmental impacts of the project, widening the scope and coverage of the beneficiaries, and strengthening south-south and triangular cooperation. The benefits of the project will contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 2, 9, 13, 14, 15, and 17) in fighting hunger, enhancing food security, building resilient infrastructure for sustainable industrialization, protecting the environment, and revitalizing global partnership.
Project Duration
February 2017 – June 2021
- Facilitating the application of electron beam accelerators for processing food and agricultural commodities, hardening of electric cables, reducing environmental pollutants discharged from various industries, power plants and urban living
- Fostering the capability of applications of electron beam accelerator technologies in research and development in the region
Management Organization
UN Office for South-South Cooperation and RCA Regional Office
Participating Government Parties
Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam
Lead Country Coordinator
Dr Seungho Yu, Research Division for Industry and Environment, Advanced Radiation Technology Institute (ARTI), Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Dr Jongheum Park, Research Division for Biotechnology, ARTI, KAERI
Dr Junhwa Shin, Research Division for Industry and Environment, ARTI, KAERI