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IAEA/RCA TS Lead Country Coordinators' Meeting 24-28 July 2006, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna Jointly with WGM on RCA Medium Term Strategy






IAEA/RCA Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinators' (TSLCCs) Meeting together with the Working Group Meeting to Develop Implementation Plans for the RCA Medium Term Strategy will be held from 24-28 July 2006 at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna. RCARO will represent at the meeting and make presentation on the future strategy of RCARO.

Seven Thematic Sectors are comprised in the IAEA/RCA programme, i.e. agriculture, human health, industry, environment, radiation protection, research reactors, and energy. Each Thematic Sector has been designated by a Lead Country Coordinator with roles and responsibilities for overall project formulation, implementation and monitoring. This year's IAEA/RCA Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinators' Meeting will not only review the progress of the projects in the current cycle but also discuss on the future cycle plan.

The Working Group that devised the RCA Medium Term Strategy (2006-11) will also convene in parallel with the TSLCCs Meeting to develop implementation plans according to the strategy that was adopted by the 28th Meeting of National RCA Representatives held in Bangkok in late March 2006. The Working Group is composed of Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia and New Zealand.




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