Three Consecutive Meetings of the RCARO held in Seoul, Korea, 23-27 July 2007 | |||
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2007.07.19 |
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- Selection Committee Meeting for the Director of RCARO
- Workshop on RCARO Future Strategies
- Working Group Meeting on the Enhancement of the Roles and Status of RCARO
Endorsed by the 29th the RCA National Representatives Meeting in Sydney, the RCARO is organizing the three meetings, i.e., 1) Selection Committee for the new Director of RCARO, 2) Workshop on RCARO Future Strategies with a view to increasing RCA’s leadership and enhancing RCARO’s partnership with other international organizations, and 3) Working Group Meeting on the Enhancing of the Roles and Status of RCARO (WGM).
The Selection Committee meeting for the new Director of the RCA Regional Office is to be held at the Walker Hill Hotel, Seoul, Korea on 23 July 2007 with composition of five members, i.e., one representative from the IAEA and the Republic of Korea and one representative each from Thailand, Australia and Viet Nam as these countries were currently occupying the positions of past, current and future Chair. The main purposes of the meeting are for reviewing the associated documents, i.e., guidelines on the selection and appointment of a Director of the RCARO, guidelines on the operation of the selection committee, vacancy notice, time frames, and job description.
Workshop on RCARO Future Strategies will be held at Walker Hill Hotel in Seoul, Korea, from 24 to noon on 26 July 2007, with about 20 participants from the Member States including members of the Working Group. Local experts including the members of the Steering Committee of RCARO will participate as well. The main objectives of the Workshop are 1) to seek ways to increase RCA’s partnership with other organizations in line with RCA Medium Term Strategies, 2) to develop follow-up projects to start from 2009 after the completion of the current 3 year, 2006-2008, RCA/UNDP Environment Project, 3) to discuss the RCA’s participation in the 6th International Conference on Isotopes (6ICI) to be held from 12-16 May 2008 in Korea, 4) to enhance RCA’s leadership in the region through brainstorming, and 5) to discuss any other issues relating to the future development strategies for the RCARO. Presentations will be given by the participants sharing expertise and information on the aforementioned issues. Results of the workshop will be utilized for developing RCARO future activities.
Working Group Meeting on the Enhancement of the Roles and Status of RCARO is to be held in the afternoon of 26 to 27 July 2007 in the same venue with the participation of the National RCA Representatives and authoritative representatives of Australia, China, Japan, Philippines and Republic of Korea and the RCA Focal Person as an observer on behalf of the IAEA so as to have initial discussions on the roles and status of RCARO in conjunction with the Workshop. This WGM is expected to look into the various options to enhance the roles and status of RCARO on the basis of the proposal made by ROK, the host country of RCARO. The objectives of the WGM are 1) to review the constraints faced by the RCARO in carrying out its mandate, 2) to review the legal status of the RCARO and options to meet the requirements, 3) to discuss modalities for discussions with the IAEA on options for recognizing the status of the RCARO, 4) to discuss modalities for discussions with the Government of Korea on the options for recognizing the status of the RCARO, and 5) to clarify the status for the RCARO when representing the RCA. The outcomes of the WGM will be reported to all Member States so that they could consult with their appropriate national bodies. The meeting outcomes will be reported to the RCA General Conference Meeting in September 2007 for consideration.
The outcomes of these three meetings are expected to be of significant benefit to the RCA Member States and to be a good vehicle for enhancing the roles and status of the RCARO as well.