IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course Radiation Processing for Basic and Medium Level Personnel 6-10 August 2007, Bangi, Malaysia | |||
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2007.10.01 |
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In relation to the project on Radiation Processing Applications for Health and the Environment, the IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Radiation Processing for Basic and Medium Level Personnel was held during 6-10 August 2007 in Bangi, Malaysia in cooperation with the Government of Malaysia with a view to both introducing the participants to the general concepts of modern radiation technologies (irradiators and processes), their application for natural polymers modification and reviewing the present status of technology of radiation processing to manufacture products to be used for health care and environmental applications.
Radiation technology utilizing gamma-ray or X-ray sources and electron accelerators is one of the cleanest and most reliable processes for modification of materials properties widely applied today. Ionizing radiation is well known for its beneficial capacity to crosslink, degrade and generate free radicals, reducing and oxidizing species in materials. In the field of new materials development, it is foreseen that natural polymers, composites and nano materials will become innovative technologies in the near future, with radiation processing playing an important role. As well as being abundant in the Asia-Pacific region, natural polymers are recyclable and can be used as raw material in health care products. The obvious advantages of their use include economics, efficacy, and environmental conservation. Past RCA projects have led to several applications involving the radiation processing of natural polymers related to agriculture, human health, and the environment. While some of these products are now fully developed and commercialized (hydrogel dressings, for example), several new commercially valuable products for health and the environment are still being developed. An example that is becoming more and more important for the RCA region is environmental protection. While electron beam facilities for electron beam flue gas and wastewater treatment have been constructed in China and the Republic of Korea, and a gamma sludge irradiator is in operation in India, these technologies have not been exploited in all the Member States.
The purpose of the training course was to transfer knowledge regarding perspectives of radiation processing to support the activities undertaken by the participating Member States in developing and commercializing new products from radiation processed natural polymers as applied to health and environment. The Course reviewed fundamentals of radiation processing, and status and trends in development of new products by radiation processing.
For more information contact Dr. Khairul Zaman Hj. Mohd Dahlan, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, at [email protected].