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IAEA/RCA Mid-Term Progress Review Meeting on Raising Productivity in the Coal, Minerals and Petrochemical Industries 12-16 May 2008, Seoul, Republic of Korea






The IAEA/RCA Mid-Term Progress Review Meeting of the RCA Project on Raising Productivity in the Coal, Minerals and Petrochemical Industries by using Nucleonic Analysis Systems and Radiotracers was held on 12-16 May 2008, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in cooperation with the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology through the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.

RCA projects on industrial applications of radioisotope technology covering radiotracer, sealed source and nucleonic gauge techniques have contributed to promotion of routine applications of the technology for industrial process, analysis and environmental problem diagnosis. The overall objective of the RCA Project on “Raising Productivity in the Coal Minerals and Petrochemical Industries by using Nucleonic Analysis Systems (NAS) and Radiotracers” which commenced in 2007 is to advance the region’s capability to apply and routinely use nuclear techniques to solve complex problems in the coal, solid minerals, and oil and gas industries, so that both the NAS technology for the coal and solid minerals industries and the radiotracer and sealed source techniques for investigation of industrial multiphase systems can be promoted and transferred through regional demonstrations, training and related activities.

For more information email Mr Sung-Hee Jung, Head, Radiotracer Project, KAERI at [email protected].


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