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IAEA/RCA Mid-Term Progress Review Meeting Advanced Industrial Radiography and Tomography Techniques Hanoi, Vietnam, 24-26 March 2008






IAEA/RCA Mid-Term Progress Review Meeting of the RCA Project on Development and Application of Advanced Industrial Radiography and Tomography Techniques will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 24-26 March 2008 in cooperation with the Government of Vietnam and VAEC.

The RCA project on Development and Application of Advanced Industrial Radiography and Tomography Techniques was formulated with the overall objective of improving the capability of RCA Member States to apply and routinely use advanced industrial digital radiography and computed tomography methods to improve production quality and safety. The successful completion of the proposed project will enable the Member States through their participating institutions to comprehend and assimilate the fast emerging new technology for non-destructive testing and examination of industrial specimens and promote the use of direct digital imaging techniques especially online and real-time digital radiography and industrial computed tomography for routine applications at industrial facilities.

The purpose of the Mid-Term Progress Review Meeting is to review the progress made so far by the Member States and the main achievements and to review and revise if necessary revise the proposed future activities to ensure successful completion of the project and to ensure its sustainability.

For more information please contact Mr. Vu Tien Ha, Vice Director, Technology Application and Development, VAEC at [email protected].




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