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IAEA/RCA Mid-term Progress Review Meeting Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Infrastructure 9-13 February 2009, Manila, Philippines






IAEA/RCA Mid-term Progress Review Meeting of the RCA Project on Sustainability of Regional Radiation Protection Infrastructure will be held on 9-13 February 2009 in Manila, Philippines in cooperation with the Government of Philippines through the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute.

Focusing on self-reliance and information exchange through networking for the sustainability of regional radiation protection infrastructure in the region, this meeting will review the progress made in implementing the work plan of the project for 2009 and 2010, and will make the necessary revisions taking the current status of the project into consideration. The discussions of the meeting would be focused on the Regional Regulatory Network, the Regional ALARA Network, the Regional Emergency Response Network, and the Focal Group of Medical Practitioners. The meeting will also consider updates on IAEA initiatives in radiation protection training, updates on current ICRP/BSS (International Commission on Radiological Protection/International Basic Safety Standards) revisions and discussions on action plans for sustainability across thematic safety areas.

For more information contact Ms. Eulinia Valdezco, local organizer of PNRI, at [email protected].




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