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RCARO Project on Post-Tsunami Environment Impact Assessment Wrapped up in Manila







The project on Post-Tsunami Environment Impact Assessment which has been implemented by RCARO and UNDP-Korea since 2006 was wrapped up by the Final Meeting held 20-23 Oct. 2009 in Manila, hosted by Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI). The Final Meeting was attended by most of the national project coordinators from participating Member States as well as RCARO staff and local participants of the host, PNRI. The participants reviewed the achievements made by the project and elaborated the final report based on the country reports collected from the 14 participating Member States.

The meeting reviewed the achievements of the three technical objectives initially set out, including : the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami impacts on 1) metallic contents in sediments, 2) soil and ground water, 3) coral reef. The meeting concluded the project has produced some unique outputs from technical activities using nuclear techniques in the Member States, to the contribution to the region in disaster reduction effort such as Tsunami, as recognized by a Tsunami expert who participated in the meeting. Some additional contributions of the project include capacity building, interactions with stakeholder/end-users, etc. The meeting also discussed future applications of the project results and lessons learned from implementation of the project. The final report of the project will be issued soon for dissemination of the project results to partners, participating Member States, and other interested end-users.


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