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Working Group Meeting on Development of RCA Strategic Priorities for 2012-2017, 22-26 February 2010, Wien, Austria







Working Group Meeting on Development of RCA Strategic Priorities for 2012-2017 was held at IAEA Vienna, Austria from 22-26 February 2010 with the participation of several National RCA Representatives and invited experts from RCA Member States, and RCARO. The participants discussed RCA’s strategic priorities and prospective project areas for 2012-2017.

The Working Group work was conducted in five different sectors: Agriculture, Health, Environment, Industry, and Others. Each group consisted of a leader and a couple of the invited experts in the specific sector. Technical officers from IAEA also participated in the working group discussions and contributed to the development of project areas.

The Meeting resulted in suggestions to be reported to the National Representatives in the upcoming Regional Meeting of the National RCA Representatives, which is going to be held in April 2010 in Manila, the Philippines.

The suggested prospective project areas in each sector, which are considered to have general benefits to RCA Member States, are as following.

- Agriculture : Plant mutation breeding, Animal production & health, Food irradiation, Soils & land use, Insect and pest control
- Health : IMRT development, PET in oncology, IGBT development, Protocol development for common cancers, NM in CVD
-Environment : Sustainable air particulate matter monitoring, Sustainable water resources, Sustainable marine and coastal resources
- Industry : Non-destructive testing for safety, increased productivity, and product quality control in industry, Applications of radiation processing/technology for grafted polymeric matrices and environmental preservation, Applications of radiotracers for industrial troubleshooting and process optimization




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