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2008 Programme Announcement






RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship (Training) Programme
2008 Programme Announcement
1. Objectives
- To encourage technology transfer related to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy among RCA Member States in Asia and the Pacific Region
- To strengthen information exchanges among research staff of the RCA Member States by establishing research network
2. Field of work: Quality Improvement of MARS code and establishment of code coupling
- Assessment and Uncertainty Quantification of System Thermal Hydraulic Safety Analysis Code
- Quantification of Safety Margin of Nuclear Power Plant
3. Number of Fellows: 1
4. Qualifications of applicants:
Those who obtained doctoral degree (Ph.D or Sc.D) in nuclear related field or are planning to complete post-doctoral course
5. Duration: 6 months or 12 months
6. Host Institutes: Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
7. Project Manager: Bub-Dong CHUNG, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
TEL: ++82-42-868-8312 FAX: ++82-42-868-4801 Email: [email protected]
8. Financial support by the host institute
- A round-trip air ticket
- Living expenses (1.9 million Korean Won per month)
- Medical insurance
- National pension
- Local travel expenses related to project work
9. Further information and Contacts
Visit www.rcaro.org and go to Fellowship Programmes, or contact the RCARO at (8242) 868-2779, or email at [email protected].
10. Application Form for the RCARO Post-doctoral Fellowship (Training) Programme 


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