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(12 Aug. 05) A one-day visit programme to KIRAMS (Korea Institute for Radiological and Medical Sciences) for RCARO invited staffs from Member States (Mr. K...
(11 Aug. 05) Under the 2004 RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme, Dr Syed Waseem Akhtar from PAEC, Pakistan, successfully completed his 9-month long post...
(4 Aug. 05) Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director of RCARO met with Dr Manase Peter Salema, Director, Division of Africa, East Asia and the Pacific, Department of Technic...
(2 Aug. 05) Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director of RCARO paid a courtesy call on HE C B Cho, Ambassador of Korean Embassy in Vienna on 2 August 2005 at the mission. The...
(8 Jul 05) Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, RCARO Director met with RCA stakeholders of OAP (Office of Atoms for Peace) in Bangkok and presented overview of RCA and RCARO ...
(4 Jul 05) RCARO invited two staffs from the Member States for work at RCARO for 3-4 months. They are Ms. Le Thi Phu Van from Viet Nam (VAEC) and Dr. Kabi...